Chinese Herbal Medicine
When the body is out of balance, pain and illness is more likely to occur. Chinese Herbal Medicine uses plants and natural substances to safely restore balance to the body. Chinese herbal treatments pursue the underlying causes of illnesses rather than individual symptoms. Unlike conventional medicine, herbal treatments emphasize a holistic approach that treats the whole person: physical, emotional and spiritual.
Herbs are very successful treatments for a wide range of infections and acute and chronic disorders in both women’s and men’s health. Health issues affecting sleep, joints, digestion, skin, allergies, anxiety, depression, colds, flu, headaches, and more may be good targets for herbal treatment. Herbs also enhance circulation and can even slow aging. Chinese herbal therapy can also be a valuable additional therapy following cancer treatment to aid the body’s recovery from the after-effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
Herbal remedies are good for everyone, for both alternative and complimentary treatment to conventional medicine. Perhaps you have multiple symptoms, or they are hard to pinpoint. Maybe you’ve exhausted conventional medical options, or you are simply interested in preventive treatment, then you should try Chinese Herbal Medicine. There are very few side effects from herbs. Some can be toxic in high doses. Others may cause allergic reactions and interact with conventional prescribed medications, so medical supervision by a trained physician or herbalist is always recommended.
An initial consultation visit with Dr. Ikezuagu at Whole Family Medical Care involves a review of your detailed health history, tongue and pulse examinations, and a diagnosis. A specific herbal formula will be prescribed based on your body’s constitution. The amount and frequency of your treatment depends on the severity and duration of your health condition. Herbal formulas to restore chronic conditions may require weeks or months of use. Formulas for acute colds, coughs or digestive problems can show positive results within a few days. While you may gain immediate benefits even after one treatment, progress in health conditions is usually measured over a course of treatments, which typically involves 4 to 10 appointments. This allows Dr. Ikezuagu sufficient time and treatment to observe a beneficial change and consolidate that. A follow-up appointment is often 30 minutes including a short consultation to check any arising issues and to recommend treatment.
Chinese Herbal Medicine Consultation
$75 for initial 60-minute consultation and diagnosis
$35 follow up 30-minute consultation
$90 for initial 60-minute consultation and diagnosis
$45 Follow up 30-minute consultation
Prices do not include the cost of the herbal formula which can range between $10-$30 for a week supply or $40-$60 for a month's supply.
The herbal formulas dispensed in the office are in tablet, capsule, or pill form. These are prepared herbs and are popular because of their convenience. Only high-quality prepared herbal formulations from Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified Chinese herbal companies are purchased.